How to Design Your Home: A Simple 5 Step Guide to Transform Any Space Like A Designer / by Emily Stambaugh

Making changes to your home can be overwhelming, but my goal as an Interior Designer is to make the process a breeze. In this guide, I will share my approach to transforming any space, whether you're moving into a new home, your family is growing, or you're just tired of your current decor. My approach is simple: M.A.P. I.T. - Mission, Assessment, Planning, Implementation, and Transformation.

Mission: Establish how you would like to feel once your home is transformed. Close your eyes and imagine a day in your life in which your space is working perfectly for you. What would this feel like? Relaxed? Efficient? Inspiring? Write down your mission.

Assessment: Walk through your space and identify what is working and what isn't. Write it all down. Then, focus on aesthetics. Based on your mission statement, what colors and patterns would you like to see in the space? Which design styles speak to you and which ones don't? Determine your budget and timeline for the transformation.

Planning: This is the most important step! With my clients, this is the step where I present my first draft of ideas to help them achieve their mission. I will work with you to come up with a plan that fits your budget and timeline.

Implementation: This is where the magic happens! I will work with you to source materials and furniture and oversee the installation of your new design.

Transformation: The final step is the reveal of your new space. This is where you get to see and experience the transformation in person.

By following these steps, you can transform any space in your home and improve your life. Remember, when in doubt, M.A.P. I.T. out!