How to Find Your Personal Interior Design Style / by Emily Stambaugh

Finding your interior design style can be a daunting task, especially if you're not sure where to start. However, with a little bit of exploration and self-reflection, you can discover your personal design style and create a home that truly reflects who you are. Here are some tips for finding your design style:

  1. Look at your closet: Your fashion sense can be a good indicator of your design style. Do you tend to gravitate towards classic and timeless pieces, or do you enjoy more trendy and edgy styles? What colors and patterns are you drawn to?

  2. Think about your lifestyle: Consider your daily routine and the activities that you enjoy. Do you prefer a more laid-back and casual atmosphere, or do you prefer a more formal and elegant environment?

  3. Look at your home's architecture: Your home's architecture can also provide clues about your design style. Do you live in a modern and sleek home, or do you prefer a more traditional and classic look?

  4. Consider your personal values: Think about what is most important to you in a home. Do you value functionality and practicality, or do you prioritize aesthetics and comfort?

  5. Look at your favorite spaces: Think about the spaces that you enjoy spending time in and what you like about them. Do you prefer a more colorful and energetic atmosphere, or do you prefer a more neutral and calming environment?

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By considering these factors, you can start to get a sense of your personal design style and use this knowledge to guide your design decisions. Remember, your design style should be a reflection of who you are, so don't be afraid to embrace your unique tastes and interests.